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All eligible candidates considering an application for a certificate of registration under the following registration policies should review information relating to supervision:

  • Restricted Certificate of Registration for Exam Eligible Candidates, and
  • Pathway B or C.
  1. Guidelines for College-Directed Supervision - This provides a general overview to supervisors and supervised physicians who are participating in a supervisory arrangement borne out of a College process. Information is provided about individual roles, responsibilities, as well as obligations to each other and the College.
  2. Supervision Arrangement – This form is to be completed by the supervisor and must be submitted with all applications for registration requiring a period of supervised practice.
  3. FMRAC Supervision Expectations for Provisional Licensure - In February 2012, the College’s Council endorsed this National Framework for Supervision of Physicians for Provisional Licensure, which was developed by the Federation of Medical Regulatory Authorities of Canada (FMRAC).
  4. FAQ – Registration-related Supervision - This provides questions and answers for common registration-related supervision situations.

Should you have any questions, please contact the Registration & Membership Services Department at (416) 967‐2617 or via the Member Portal message center.