You and Your Doctor
Learn about existing responsibilities that doctors have when treating you. We identify things you are entitled to as a patient, so that you have a good understanding about what to expect during medical encounters and you can take an active role in your health-care.
Compliment a Physician
Have you had a great experience with an Ontario doctor? Let us know about it!
Navigating the Health System — A Guide for Patients and Caregivers
Learn about existing responsibilities that doctors have with respect to continuity of care. We identify things patients and caregivers can do to be engaged and help complement physicians’ efforts. We also provide tools that can be used by patients and caregivers.

Clinic Inspections
The following listing provides access to information about out-of-hospital premises where procedures are performed under various forms of anaesthesia. This information includes the outcome/status of an inspection of the premises.
Unregistered Practitioners
Information about individuals who have been practising medicine without a certificate of registration and/or a person who has been holding him/herself out as a physician in contravention of the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991 or the Medicine Act, 1991.
Public Engagement
The patient and caregiver voice is not just welcome, but absolutely vital to our work. Find out how you can take part.