Registration and New Members
Looking to practise medicine in Ontario? Learn more about our licensing process.
CPSO does not rely on third parties to assess qualifications/credentials and does not use the application through Applications are submitted directly to CPSO through our Portal. We conduct assessment of all credentials in-house. This allows us to eliminate additional fees for applicants, provide a much quicker turnaround for document verification, and maintains our expertise as leaders in credential evaluation across Canada and worldwide.
Whether you are a new physician looking to practise medicine for the first time or you’re an experienced doctor moving to Ontario from another jurisdiction, CPSO is the body that grants you your medical licence. All doctors must be a member of the CPSO to practise in this province.
French language services are available upon request.
To request French-language support or to receive translated CPSO materials, please email us with the details of the information or document you need. Indicate whether you prefer a response by email or telephone.
Des services en français sont disponibles sur demande.
Pour obtenir du soutien en français ou pour recevoir des documents de l’Ordre des médecins et chirurgiens de l’Ontario (OMCO) traduits en français, veuillez nous envoyer un courriel pour préciser les renseignements ou le document dont vous avez besoin. Veuillez également nous indiquer si vous préférez recevoir une réponse par courriel ou par téléphone.
Nous répondrons à votre demande le plus rapidement possible.
Contact us
Registration & Membership Services
College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario
80 College Street
Toronto, Ontario
Canada M5G 2E2
Telephone: 416-967-2617
1-800-268-7096 ext. 617
Email: [email protected]
Member Portal message center
Learn more about gaining licensure in Ontario
Routes to Practice: Guides on Registration with CPSO
Check out these helpful infographics:
- Route to Licensure in Ontario: Academic Appointment at an Ontario Medical School as a Professor
- Route to Supervised Practice for Exam Eligible Candidates
- Routes to practice for Physicians trained in the United States
- Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons of Canada – Subspecialist Examination Affiliate Program (SEAP)