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Internationally Educated Physicians (IEPs)

We are committed to licensing qualified physicians to practise in Ontario, regardless of where they went to medical school

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CPSO does not rely on third parties to assess qualifications/credentials and does not use the application through Applications are submitted directly to CPSO through our Portal. We conduct assessment of all credentials in-house. This allows us to eliminate additional fees for applicants, provide a much quicker turnaround for document verification, and maintains our expertise as leaders in credential evaluation across Canada and worldwide.


The CPSO issues medical licences to those wishing to practise medicine in Ontario. This includes graduates from medical schools outside Canada or the United States. We are committed to finding new ways to evaluate individuals wishing to practise medicine in Ontario, regardless of the country of their source medical degree.

You can learn more about the requirements for licensure here in Ontario, including for IEPs, by reading the Ontario Regulation 865/93: Registration.

Applicants need to satisfy the requirements set out in the registration regulation, or apply to the CPSO under one of our registration policies. They should also visit our registration requirements page.

For more information about the process, please email our Inquiries staff, or call 416-967-2617 or 1-800-268-7096, ext. 617.