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Apply for Registration

Seeking a licence to practice medicine in Ontario? Our Registration & Membership Services Department handles the registration process

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CPSO does not rely on third parties to assess qualifications/credentials and does not use the application through Applications are submitted directly to CPSO through our Portal. We conduct assessment of all credentials in-house. This allows us to eliminate additional fees for applicants, provide a much quicker turnaround for document verification, and maintains our expertise as leaders in credential evaluation across Canada and worldwide.

  • PGY1 Trainees: If you were matched in CaRMS’ second iteration on April 25th, 2024, CPSO will contact you with application instructions once we receive the CaRMS match results. Until then, please do not apply online. 

    PGY2 Trainees: Please complete the Self-screening questionnaire through the portal to obtain a Postgraduate Education application. We acknowledge that the Self-screening questionnaire will tell you NOT to apply, but please submit the application. The College is working to update the questionnaire.

    Application Deadlines for CaRMS Residents:

    • First Iteration CaRMS Match: April 26, 2024
    • Second Iteration CaRMS Match: May 24, 2024

    CPSO issues certificates of registration to postgraduate trainees, allowing them to pursue their training appointments Ontario.

Ready to apply?

CPSO does not utilize the application offered through – applications for registration in Ontario are submitted directly to CPSO through our Portal. To apply:

  1. Sign-up for a Portal account
  2. Fill out the self-screening questionnaire to determine your eligibility for registration. If eligible, an application form will be generated or provide other instructions.
  3. Complete the online application form and submit payment (if applicable). *Note you may submit the application form before uploading/arranging supporting documents.
  4. Request and upload supporting documents throughout the application process.
  5. You will receive a portal message alert when your application has been assessed. At this time, the Schedule of Requirements will be updated. Requirements may be added or removed throughout the application process.

Watch this helpful video, Application Status and Uploading Documents, on how to monitor and upload documents in The Schedule of Requirements throughout the application process.

The CPSO prohibits discrimination during the licensure and registration process.

  • You may be asked to provide additional documents or explanations to support your application.  Your requirements will be listed as follows:  
    • Not Received – Requirements not received by the College from you or a 3rd party. Click on details to view explanation for each requirement. 
    • Received, Under Review – allow minimum of 2 business days for College staff to review received requirements.  
    • Rejected – requirement was assessed and deemed as deficient or incomplete. Click on details to view explanation for each rejected requirement for reasons and additional instructions.
    • Accepted – requirements assessed and deemed acceptable. Nothing further is needed for this requirement. 
  • Although CPSO does not require the use of for either application or document verification– if you have registered an account and have had documentation verified through we are able to access requirements if they are shared with CPSO to eliminate duplication.

  • Any requirement a third-party organisation must submit to the College (e.g., medical school transcript) in support of your application can be sent by mail, by courier, or by email to [email protected].

  • The College will work with applicants to arrange for alternate routes where in exceptional cases it is impossible to arrange for requirements from third party organization (e.g., war, civil disruption, or natural disaster).

  • All applicants must also demonstrate their past and present conduct to demonstrate they will practise medicine with mental, moral and medical competence. They must have effective communication skills and an appropriate professional attitude (Section 2(1) of the Registration regulation).

    Questions may arise during the application process about an applicant’s conduct, capacity or competence. We refer these applications to our registration committee. Examples of issues include substance abuse, mental illness, and misconduct.

  • Complete the following as soon as possible:

    1. Complete ALL sections of the application in FULL:
      1. This includes those who have previously registered with the College.
      2. Include full practice history, breaks in practice, residency training, etc.
      3. Note: you do not need to upload the document requirements in the schedule of requirements before submitting an application.
    2. SUBMIT the application.
      1. Applications in DRAFT stage are not assessed.
      2. Make sure to pay any applicable application payments.
    3. UPLOAD a curriculum vitae (CV) to your application.
      1. CVs are used to ensure you have submitted the correct application.
      2. Include dates in month/year format.
    4. Carefully READ the details of each registration requirement.
      1. Requirements must meet standards to be accepted.
    5. REQUEST third-party documentation (also known as source verified requirements) as soon as possible.
      1. These include documents that need to come directly to the CPSO from organizations such as medical schools.
      2. Third-party documents can be sent to [email protected]
    6. Optional, GRANT CPSO access to your source information.
    7. Optional, GRANT CPSO access to your FCVS source verified information.

Practice limitations

Ontario does not have a "defined" registration certificate, which would circumscribe a person's right to practise into areas similar to a hospital's procedures list. However, doctors are required to limit their practices to those areas where they are suitably "educated and experienced" (Section 2(5) of the Registration regulation).


How do I access documents associated with my application?

You can request copies of certain documents related to your registration file through  the Member Portal's message centre. We process the request in approximately 10-15 business days and will provide the requested documents through the portal's message centre.


What about false or misleading representations?

Section 2(4) of the regulation stipulates that an applicant “who makes any false or misleading representation or declaration on or in connection with an application, by commission or omission, shall be deemed thereafter not to have, and not to have had, the standards and qualifications for a certificate of any class.” Accordingly, if an applicant lies, then they may lose their certificate of registration. In addition, there is a fine of $10,000 under the Health Professions Procedural Code (subsection 92(1) and (2)) for knowingly making false representation or knowingly assisting a person to do so.



If you have any questions or need assistance and have an active application/license, please contact the Inquiries team via the Member Portal message center; otherwise, please email [email protected]. Alternatively, you may call 416-967-2617 or 1-800-268-7096, ext. 617.