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Learn about CPSO and its important role

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College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO) regulates the practice of medicine in Ontario. Physicians are required to be members to practise medicine in Ontario. The role of CPSO and its authority and powers are set out in the Regulated Health Professions Act (RHPA), the Health Professions Procedural Code under the RHPA and the Medicine Act.

What we do:

Registration — Physicians are required to be members of the College to practise medicine in Ontario. The College’s Registration Department handles all inquiries regarding the registration process.  

Quality — CPSO has a legislated mandate to ensure quality care is provided by physicians. Our QI Program is a proactive needs-based approach, which will contribute to improved quality of care, patient safety and will result in significant benefits to patients, providers and ultimately the healthcare system itself.

Investigations & Discipline — A central responsibility of CPSO is to respond to concerns and investigate complaints from members of the public about doctors in Ontario. If necessary, cases are referred to the Ontario Physicians and Surgeons Discipline Tribunal.

Guiding Professional Conduct — Develop policies to provide guidance to physicians about legislative/regulatory requirements and the expectations of the medical profession.

Strategic Plan 2020-2025

Informed and inspired by feedback from the profession and the public, the College’s direction for the next five years has been set. The next Strategic Plan includes a new mission, vision, strategic priorities and regulatory principles. This plan will guide CPSO Council, management and staff in moving forward as we continue our work to fulfill our public interest mandate.

The planned life of the Strategic Plan will be five years, from 2020 to 2025. It will be reconfirmed by Council annually to guide corporate planning for the following year. After three years, an interim review will determine whether it remains relevant or needs to be refreshed.

CPSO's Strategic Plan for 2020-2025, including mission, regulatory principles and vision.

  • Mission

    Serving the people of Ontario through effective regulation of medical doctors

    Regulatory Principles

    • We commit to being accountable, respectful and responsive
    •  We will demonstrate professionalism and excellence
    • We value communication and compassion


    Trusted Doctors Providing Great Care

    Right-Touch Regulation

    To achieve Right-Touch Regulation, the CPSO will:

    • Apply a proportionate, consistent, targeted, transparent, accountable, and agile approach to all aspects of medical regulation
    • Work with government to align legislation with right-touch regulation
    • Continually measure, monitor and report on our progress towards more effective regulation

    Quality Care

    To achieve Quality Care, the CPSO will:

    • Use evidence to evaluate risk and address the greatest concerns for patient care
    • Guide and support doctors throughout their careers
    • Respond to emerging trends and new technologies

    Continuous Improvement

    To achieve Continuous Improvement, the CPSO will:

    • Foster a culture of continuous improvement and openness to change
    • Modernize all aspects of our work to fulfill our mission

    System Collaboration

    To achieve System Collaboration, the CPSO will:

    • Develop open and collaborative relationships that support a connected health system
    • Promote inter-professional collaboration and share best practices

    Meaningful Engagement

    To achieve Meaningful Engagement, the CPSO will:

    • Purposefully involve patients, the public and physicians to inform College decisions
    • Build awareness of our role, mandate, and processes through clear and accessible communication