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Supported web browsers and mobile devices

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New Member Portal Technical Support

Having trouble signing up for the new Member Portal? It’s most likely one of these three issues:

Unsupported Internet Browser

Please ensure you are using one of these supported web browsers to sign-up for the new portal: Chrome, FireFox, Edge or Safari. Do not use Internet Explorer — associated errors caused by the browser will prevent you from completing the sign-up process.

Clicking the sign-up link in your email will launch your default browser and open the New Member Portal registration webpage. If your default browser is Internet Explorer and/or you do not have one of the above-mentioned browsers installed, please install one of the four browsers, set it as your default browser and then click the link (or copy and paste the link into the supported browser’s address bar). You can download Chrome, FireFox, Edge or Safari from their official websites.

Need to Clear Internet Browser’s Cache

If your browser cache is too full, you will not be able to sign-up for the new portal. Below are links to browser-specific instructions for clearing your supported browser’s cache.

Out-of-Date Computer Operating System

Whether you use a PC or MAC, your computer’s operating system must be up-to-date to sign-up for the new portal. Not sure? Follow the below instructions.


  1. Press Windows + “R” on your keyboard simultaneously. The Windows button is located between CTRL and ALT in the bottom left-hand corner of your keyboard.
  2. When performed, the above action will launch the “Run” window.
  3. Type “winver” in the text box next to “Open” in the Run window.
  4. Click “OK”.
  5. A new window opens and the title of the window reflects your computer’s operating system. If it’s not “Windows 8” or “Windows 10”, you will need to update to a newer operating system, or use a PC running one of these operating systems to complete your new portal sign-up.
  6. Click “OK” to close the window.


  1. Click the Apple menu in the top left-hand corner of your screen and select “About This Mac”.
  2. A new window opens and the title of the window reflects your computer’s operating system. If you are not running macOS X (Mountain Lion) version 10.8 or later, you will need to update to a newer operating system, or use a MAC running this minimum operating system to complete your new portal sign-up.
  3. Close the window.

Supported Web/Mobile Browsers

For optimal performance on a desktop or mobile device, users are encouraged to access the CPSO website using the most recent versions of the following popular browsers:

Note — Although you may be able to use a number of Internet Explorer browser versions and Windows combinations, these web browsers are neither recommended nor supported.

Our online member portal can run on any of the following web browsers running on the following operating systems:

Mozilla Firefox

  • Latest publicly-released version running on Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8

Google Chrome

  • Latest publicly-released version running on Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, or Google Nexus tablet
  • Latest publicly-released version) running on the two latest publicly-release Mac OS versions, or Apple iPad

Apple Safari

  • Apple Safari (latest publicly-released version) running on the two latest publicly-release Mac OS versions, or Apple iPad


  • Adding plug-ins or other third-party extensions to any browser may increase page load times.
  • Mozilla Firefox ESR (Extended Support Release) versions aren’t supported.

Browser configuration

Regardless of which supported browser you use; you must configure your browser as follows:

Allow JavaScript

  • JavaScript must be enabled for your browser, at least for your online member portal domain. Most browsers enable JavaScript by default.

Allow Cookies

  • Cookies must be enabled for your browser, at least for your online member portal domain. Most browsers enable cookies by default.

Supported Mobile Devices

You can use the following OS/Browser combinations to view the online member portal on a tablet:

  • Apple iOS 11.4.1 (or higher) with the current Apple Safari browser
  • Google Android 7 (or later) with the current Google Chrome browser
  • Microsoft surface tablets running any supported desktop browser